James Sherman

The Royal Shepherd & Dark Sisters: Ensemble
Jim entered the theatrical world late in life. Shuttling four children to and from ballet, choir and orchestra for years led to getting engaged backstage for ballet productions for Oregon Ballet Theater. And when his two boys performed in Madame Butterfly in 2004 for Portland Opera, Jim was pulled in for his first Supernumerary role for Portland Opera’s amazing production of Nixon in China. Thirty-Five productions and four opera companies later, Jim eagerly jumps at any opportunity to be on stage or backstage for an opera production. When not on stage and not busy with his day job and parenting, Jim manages a 1,500 square foot music studio he built in his home to provide teaching, rehearsing and recital space for Portland area teachers to teach to old and young alike at no cost to teachers. Jim’s goal is to connect teachers and students in a warm, friendly and stress-free environment.